What is Hurt and Grevious Hurt

Introduction Now a days, majority of criminal cases, are of Hurt cases. Hurt‘ is known as cause injury to, cause pain to, injure, damage, wound, incapacitate, impair, mutilate, injure. In other wards, it means ̳ be detrimental to‘. What is injury? According to medical terminology, Injury means wound or trauma; harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an external force. In other words, as was observed in Mrs.

Bigamy in India

INTRODUCTION “Penal law of India punishes the offence of what is known in English Law as ‘Bigamy’. Penal law of bigamy is not discriminatory since it makes no reference to the religion of either spouse. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE IN INDIA Monogamous marriage has been the norm since Vedic times, with one exception: polygamy. However, the wife who was married first was the only wife in the sense of the word. According to one of Manu’s texts, it was permissible for a man to marry another woman after his first wife passed away.