In general cybercrime may be defined as “Any unlawful act where computer or communication device or computer network is used to commit or facilitate the commission of crime”.

Below is a list for some of the cybercrimes :


Child sexually abusive material (CSAM) refers to material containing sexual image in any form, of a child who is abused or sexually exploited. Section 67 (B) of IT Act states that “it is punishable for publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form.


A form of harassment or bullying inflicted through the use of electronic or communication devices such as computer, mobile phone, laptop, etc.
Cyberbullying can take many forms, including online harassment, cyberstalking, and hate speech. It can have severe consequences for victims, including mental health issues, depression, and even suicide.


Cyber stalking is the use of electronic communication by a person to follow a person, or attempts to contact a person to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such person; or monitors the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication commits the offence of stalking.

Cyberstalking is the use of the internet, email, or other electronic communications to stalk, harass, or threaten someone. It can include repeatedly sending threatening or harassing messages, posting private or identifying information about a person online, and using technology to track someone’s movements or location. Cyberstalking can have serious consequences for victims, including emotional distress, fear, and even physical harm.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 and Indian Penal Code, 1860 covers cyberstalking under the section 66E and 354D respectively.


Cyber Grooming is when a person builds an online relationship with a young person and tricks or pressures him/ her into doing sexual act.
yber grooming is the process of building an emotional connection with a child or teenager through the use of the internet or other electronic communications, with the goal of sexually exploiting the child. It can include sending sexually explicit messages or images, encouraging a child to send sexually explicit content in return, and arranging to meet the child in person for sexual purposes.


Online Job Fraud is an attempt to defraud people who are in need of employment by giving them a false hope/ promise of better employment with higher wages.


Online Sextortion occurs when someone threatens to distribute private and sensitive material using an electronic medium if he/ she doesn’t provide images of a sexual nature, sexual favours, or money.

Online sextortion is a form of sexual exploitation that occurs over the internet. It involves threatening to release sexually explicit images or videos of an individual, unless that person agrees to provide more images or videos, engage in sexual acts, or pay money.
Online sextortion can be particularly devastating for victims, as the perpetrator may use personal information and intimate images to blackmail and control the victim.


Vishing is an attempt where fraudsters try to seek personal information like Customer ID, Net Banking password, ATM PIN, OTP, Card expiry date, CVV etc. through a phone call. Fraudster uses the telephone to gain access to sensitive information, such as financial or personal information. The attacker may use pre-recorded or synthetic speech, or use a real person to trick the victim into providing sensitive information. Common vishing scams include impersonating a representative from a bank or other financial institution and asking for account numbers, PINs, or other sensitive information.

विशिंग कॉल से सायबर फ्राड


Sexting is an act of sending sexually explicit digital images, videos, text messages, or emails, usually by cell phone.
Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages, photos, or videos through electronic means, such as text messages, email, or social media. It’s often associated with teenagers and young adults, but it can occur at any age. While sexting can be consensual and consensual, it can also be non-consensual, where one person shares the sexual content without the other person’s consent.


Smishing is a type of fraud that uses mobile phone text messages to lure victims into calling back on a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading malicious content via phone or web.
Smishing is a form of social engineering and a type of cybercrime in which a fraudster uses SMS text messages to gain access to sensitive information, such as financial or personal information. The attacker may use pre-written or synthetic text, or use a real person to trick the victim into providing sensitive information. Common smishing scams include impersonating a representative from a bank or other financial institution and asking for account numbers, PINs, or other sensitive information.


SIM Swap Scam occurs when fraudsters manage to get a new SIM card issued against a registered mobile number fraudulently through the mobile service provider. With the help of this new SIM card, they get One Time Password (OTP) and alerts, required for making financial transactions through victim’s bank account. Getting a new SIM card against a registered mobile number fraudulently is known as SIM Swap.

सिम स्वैप / सिम क्लोनिंग से सायबर फ्रॉड


Credit card (or debit card) fraud involves an unauthorized use of another’s credit or debit card information for the purpose of purchases or withdrawing funds from it.

Protect Yourself from Credit or Debit Card Fraud

Protect yourself from Online frauds


Impersonation and identity theft is an act of fraudulently or dishonestly making use of the electronic signature, password or any other unique identification feature of any other person.

सोशल मीडिया पर प्रतिरूपण करके सायबर फ्रॉड

Be Careful While Using Social Media Platforms


Phishing is a type of fraud that involves stealing personal information such as Customer ID, IPIN, Credit/Debit Card number, Card expiry date, CVV number, etc. through emails that appear to be from a legitimate source.

फिशिंग लिंक से सायबर फ्रॉड


Spamming occurs when someone receives an unsolicited commercial messages sent via email, SMS, MMS and any other similar electronic messaging media. They may try to persuade recepient to buy a product or service, or visit a website where he can make purchases; or they may attempt to trick him/ her into divulging bank account or credit card details.


Ransomware is a type of computer malware that encrypts the files, storage media on communication devices like desktops, Laptops, Mobile phones etc., holding data/information as a hostage. The victim is asked to pay the demanded ransom to get his device decrypts.

एटीएम पिन या पासवर्ड के खतरे और सुझाव


Computer Virus is a program written to enter to your computer and damage/alter your files/data and replicate themselves.
• Worms are malicious programs that make copies of themselves again and again on the local drive, network shares, etc.
• A Trojan horse is not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks as a genuine application. Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. Trojans open a backdoor entry to your computer which gives malicious users/programs access to your system, allowing confidential and personal information to be theft.


A data breach is an incident in which information is accessed without authorization.


Denial of Services (DoS) attack is an attack intended for denying access to computer resource without permission of the owner or any other person who is in-charge of a computer, computer system or computer network.
• A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources.


Website Defacement is an attack intended to change visual appearance of a website and/ or make it dysfunctional. The attacker may post indecent, hostile and obscene images, messages, videos, etc.


Cyber-Squatting is an act of registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with an intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.

Cybersquatting is the act of registering, using, or trafficking in a domain name with the intent to profit from the goodwill of someone else’s trademark. It typically occurs when someone registers a domain name that is similar or identical to an existing trademark, and then offers to sell the domain name to the trademark owner or a competitor at a markup.
Cybersquatting can cause confusion among consumers, damage the reputation of a business, and lead to lost sales.


Pharming is cyber-attack aiming to redirect a website’s traffic to another, bogus website.


Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. It typically occurs when a malicious actor injects a piece of code, such as a JavaScript script, into a website or advertisement that a user visits. When the user’s computer visits the website or loads the advertisement, the code runs in the background and uses the computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency, typically Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. The miner can then transfer the mined cryptocurrency to their own wallet.

Cryptojacking can cause a significant decrease in a computer’s performance and lead to increased power consumption, and in some cases, it can even cause damage to the computer hardware.


Online Drug Trafficking is a crime of selling, transporting, or illegally importing unlawful controlled substances, such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana, or other illegal drugs using electronic means.


Espionage is the act or practice of obtaining data and information without the permission and knowledge of the owner.

Cyber espionage, also known as cyber spying, is the practice of gathering secret or confidential information through the use of computer networks and the internet. This can include activities such as hacking into computer systems, stealing login credentials, and intercepting electronic communications. Cyber espionage can be conducted by governments, businesses, or individuals, and can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to gain a military or economic advantage, to steal trade secrets, or to gather intelligence on political or social issues.